My neighbourhood
I live in huechuraba. The name of my neighbourhood is 28 de octubre. This was foundated around of sixty. I live in the street Fabian oyanedel.this name (of neighbourhood) to come frorm of day of foundation: 28 october of 1967. And the name of street is in remember of fisrt worker of neighbourhood.
In actuality our neighbourhood is changing, because of arrived of metro with station vespucio norte. Other of the changes that our neighbourhood was experinmented is the buldining of new supermarket and new neighbourhood Valle Norte. In effect I cant to say that my neighbourhood it is been in process of urban renovation.
But other way I think that this process is due too of
a- Nearly of avenue Vespucio norte. In other way conection with the city and the road system
b- Huechuraba is one of places of urban expantion. In effect because of urban growth and the action of inmobiliary market
Well this is my neighbourhood at grat scale.but in the local scale or daily scale, this characterized for:
a- To have finalcial services like that bank of Chile
b- To have mechanical services like that technical review plant
c- To have market services, and many shop of industrial services
lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011
martes, 24 de mayo de 2011
we cara a lot the Upov 91 Convention
We care a lot; the machines guns or the sionismo, the hungry in the world, the transgenicos in the food, the globalitation of the capital.we care a lot the decimate people. We care a lot fight with enemy: the law of the State.
But now, we care a lot the Upov 91 convention to rafity by de Senado last 11 of May. This is important question because, the agriculture, the food, the technical by agriculture and the total capitalization of the first need of social reproduction: the food.
Therefore the urgency of the law "breeder seed" is of vital importance because it means the total capitalization of the food, as this will encourage the control of both the means of production as essential inputs: seeds for transnational corporations. Ignored the knowledge and cultural diversity of traditional agriculture, bracketing the territorial and cultural burden of the Aymara communities, Atacameña and Mapuche.
The scenario is worrying both the ability to determine freely the food to consume and the natural condition of the same, ensuring food intake does not harm the human body and the environment
What to do now?
It remains critical appraisal of the adoption of UPOV 91, from questioning and scale of agricultural production, and ask why so much food chile exports abroad, if both the food needs of its population are not fully satisfied? The question will be one answer and one solution that will do the great work
But now, we care a lot the Upov 91 convention to rafity by de Senado last 11 of May. This is important question because, the agriculture, the food, the technical by agriculture and the total capitalization of the first need of social reproduction: the food.
Therefore the urgency of the law "breeder seed" is of vital importance because it means the total capitalization of the food, as this will encourage the control of both the means of production as essential inputs: seeds for transnational corporations. Ignored the knowledge and cultural diversity of traditional agriculture, bracketing the territorial and cultural burden of the Aymara communities, Atacameña and Mapuche.
The scenario is worrying both the ability to determine freely the food to consume and the natural condition of the same, ensuring food intake does not harm the human body and the environment
What to do now?
It remains critical appraisal of the adoption of UPOV 91, from questioning and scale of agricultural production, and ask why so much food chile exports abroad, if both the food needs of its population are not fully satisfied? The question will be one answer and one solution that will do the great work
Hi Simos had weeks of disconnection ...
the subject or geographical landmark which I make is of Patagonia
Y hablamos hoy de la Patagonia…
Protesta social a lo largo de Chile; HidroAysén se viene venir, lunes 9 el día D, políticos abanderados y consignas verdes, gobierno intransigente pregonando la crisis energética y criminalización ciudadana. Calles colmadas de personas vociferando a viva voz Patagonia Sin Represas. Pero qué sabemos en realidad de Patagonia, cuán y por qué ha de ser tan importante, qué es lo que en verdad se valora tras esos tenaces gritos y consignas verdes contra el proyecto hidroeléctrico HidroAysén.
Un poquito de lluvia y viento (de historia)
Koonok una anciana del pueblo Aoniekenk tras el arribo de su último invierno, decidió echar raíces en la tierra en que ella se sentía perteneciente: la Patagonia, negábase a dejar las fecundas tierras que en invierno se volvían hostiles para ella y su pueblo. Koonok la sabia y generosa anciana prometió a su pueblo no dejar jamás esas tierras, ni mucho menos a los Aoniekenk. Tras el retorno y aguardo de su pueblo esperaba Koonok, ahora bien en la forma más generosa y persistente que pudo imaginar: como un arbusto, para brindar a los suyos alimento y materia prima para la creación.
La metamorfosis de Koonok en el Kalafate da a conocer el conocimiento y los saberes respetuosos para con el medio ambiente, un saber que respeta los tiempos naturales de la tierra y las posibilidades respetuosas para el porvenir humano.
Hacia Patagonia Sin Represas…
Los Aoniekenk a partir de la llegada de los primeros colonos, desde Pope pasando por Agostini y los primeros Estancieros, se vieron diezmados por el moderno sistema de producción capitalista que imposibilitaba la coexistencia entre el estanciero y el Aoniekenk. Si bien la situación aquí, no era unívocamente la pugna entre estanciero y Aoniekenk, la pérdida del territorio Aoniekenk significó la imposibilidad de geografizar su cultura.
De esta manera la metamorfosis de la geografía patagónica cambia según el trazado de las nuevas prácticas espaciales, los nuevos modos de relacionarse y entender el espacio. La Estancia marca un hito en esta nueva relación y hablamos ahora del gaucho que al ritmo del chamamé arrea las ovejas y hace frente al inclemente clima de la Patagonia. Los colonos chilotes y de los diferentes lugares del mundo comienzan a trazar la geografía reciente de la Patagonia en el auge de la actividad ganadera, auge impulsado por el mercado mundial y por políticas estatales que progresivamente tienden a desvanecerse dejando al gaucho y al Estanciero el devenir de la Patagonia.
A la tenaz fuerza del gaucho y del patagón en general, olvidado por el Estado que una vez promovió la colonización, se marca un segundo hito que tiende a mejorar las menos cavadas condiciones económicas de la región. La valorización paisajística de la Patagonia promueve, por parte de los colonos con más medios y acceso al capital, la inserción en el turismo. Turismo tipo Lodge orientado hacia personas de gran capacidad económica suscitando paralelamente y por chorreo una mejora en la situación económica de la población, ya que se inicia un encadenamiento entre el gran empresario turístico y el campesino que pudiese generar recursos tras la venta de los productos de su economía.
Se traza de esta manera una geografía de la conservación del medio ambiente patagónico, donde el turista extranjero y raramente nacional visita cómodas instalaciones cuya arquitectura dialoga con el entorno natural, instalaciones en los senderos de Aysén donde se valoriza el avistamiento de fauna y flora endémica y se disfruta de la pesca con mosca, la gastronomía y costumbres patagónicas. Este valor otorgado a la Patagonia por los empresarios turísticos, pudiese hoy, ser marcado por un tercer hito que manifiesta las nuevas intenciones del aparato Estatal, de cierta esfera política y económica, que vuelve a ver en esta región un potencial de desarrollo económico para la satisfacción de las necesidades del capital.
Criminalizando el consumo energético doméstico se sostiene la crisis energética, pregonando el desarrollo económico del país se justifican la destrucción de la Patagonia, no basto devastar la cultura Aoniekenk ahora se va por la inundación de todo vestigio de un modo de producción disímil al capitalista y de toda posibilidad de cuestionar el sistema hegemónico.
¿Y defendemos la Patagonia?
Este hito y más que hito coyuntura social, económica y ambiental a generado todo un movimiento que se plantea en contra del proyecto HidroAysén, poniendo a la palestra temas como la política energética sustentable; el uso de Energías Renovables no Convencionales. La necesidad de plantearse el Desarrollo Sustentable o Sostenible, de definir políticas de desarrollo ambientales. La pregunta ahora es, qué defienden estas ONG o fundaciones como Chile Sustentable, Fundación Terram y Patagonia Sin Represas, ¿esta situación no es más que una pugna entre una misma clase: capitalista v/s capitalismo verde?
Tal inquietud nos hace cuestionar qué se defiende tras Patagonia Sin Represas, el cambio de valor de cambio de la Patagonia; de un valor paisajístico (turístico) a un valor por su potencial hidroeléctrico. ¿Se cuestiona en efecto la causa estructural de la demanda energética en el nombre del progreso? Pareciese sin embargo, que se defiende los intereses de una burguesía hippie, al igual que en Punta de Choros, que no quiere que destruyan su lugar de veraneo ni lo pintoresco de una población diezmada mil veces por el capital.
Ahora bien, y sin ser tan obtusos existe algo que se puede rescatar de esta protesta social (intencionada por y desde el capitalismo verde). Es la esencia de todo descontento social, la insatisfacción por incomodidad o desagrado de toda condición de explotación, ya sea del hombre por el hombre o “del hombre hacia la naturaleza”. Insatisfacción que hoy se manifiesta como descontento de un consumidor orgánico, verde o ambientalista, pero que es necesario de problematizar desde otro escenario, cuestionando a partir de este momento la causa estructural de tal descontento. Cabe entonces la necesidad de problematizar desde la actual coyuntura ambiental la producción capitalista del espacio y de nuestras relaciones sociales de auto explotación. De nosotros depende impedir que se inunde y cubra con agua y lodo la historia de explotación por parte del capital, de nosotros depende impedir que se borre la memoria de nuestra condición de explotados. De nosotros y de la memoria cabe destacar la cultura Aoniekenk de revalorizar esos saberes olvidados y de extender los límites de las utopías de hoy
Patagonia debe ser una instancia más para cuestionar las relaciones socio-espaciales construidas hasta hoy, desde la problematización del discurso ambientalista hasta el empoderamiento territorial (local) efectivo de las condiciones de producción y reproducción social y espacial
Hernán Araneda Oyanedel
Estudiante eterno de Geografía
Centro de Estudios Críticos Urbanos
the subject or geographical landmark which I make is of Patagonia
Y hablamos hoy de la Patagonia…
Protesta social a lo largo de Chile; HidroAysén se viene venir, lunes 9 el día D, políticos abanderados y consignas verdes, gobierno intransigente pregonando la crisis energética y criminalización ciudadana. Calles colmadas de personas vociferando a viva voz Patagonia Sin Represas. Pero qué sabemos en realidad de Patagonia, cuán y por qué ha de ser tan importante, qué es lo que en verdad se valora tras esos tenaces gritos y consignas verdes contra el proyecto hidroeléctrico HidroAysén.
Un poquito de lluvia y viento (de historia)
Koonok una anciana del pueblo Aoniekenk tras el arribo de su último invierno, decidió echar raíces en la tierra en que ella se sentía perteneciente: la Patagonia, negábase a dejar las fecundas tierras que en invierno se volvían hostiles para ella y su pueblo. Koonok la sabia y generosa anciana prometió a su pueblo no dejar jamás esas tierras, ni mucho menos a los Aoniekenk. Tras el retorno y aguardo de su pueblo esperaba Koonok, ahora bien en la forma más generosa y persistente que pudo imaginar: como un arbusto, para brindar a los suyos alimento y materia prima para la creación.
La metamorfosis de Koonok en el Kalafate da a conocer el conocimiento y los saberes respetuosos para con el medio ambiente, un saber que respeta los tiempos naturales de la tierra y las posibilidades respetuosas para el porvenir humano.
Hacia Patagonia Sin Represas…
Los Aoniekenk a partir de la llegada de los primeros colonos, desde Pope pasando por Agostini y los primeros Estancieros, se vieron diezmados por el moderno sistema de producción capitalista que imposibilitaba la coexistencia entre el estanciero y el Aoniekenk. Si bien la situación aquí, no era unívocamente la pugna entre estanciero y Aoniekenk, la pérdida del territorio Aoniekenk significó la imposibilidad de geografizar su cultura.
De esta manera la metamorfosis de la geografía patagónica cambia según el trazado de las nuevas prácticas espaciales, los nuevos modos de relacionarse y entender el espacio. La Estancia marca un hito en esta nueva relación y hablamos ahora del gaucho que al ritmo del chamamé arrea las ovejas y hace frente al inclemente clima de la Patagonia. Los colonos chilotes y de los diferentes lugares del mundo comienzan a trazar la geografía reciente de la Patagonia en el auge de la actividad ganadera, auge impulsado por el mercado mundial y por políticas estatales que progresivamente tienden a desvanecerse dejando al gaucho y al Estanciero el devenir de la Patagonia.
A la tenaz fuerza del gaucho y del patagón en general, olvidado por el Estado que una vez promovió la colonización, se marca un segundo hito que tiende a mejorar las menos cavadas condiciones económicas de la región. La valorización paisajística de la Patagonia promueve, por parte de los colonos con más medios y acceso al capital, la inserción en el turismo. Turismo tipo Lodge orientado hacia personas de gran capacidad económica suscitando paralelamente y por chorreo una mejora en la situación económica de la población, ya que se inicia un encadenamiento entre el gran empresario turístico y el campesino que pudiese generar recursos tras la venta de los productos de su economía.
Se traza de esta manera una geografía de la conservación del medio ambiente patagónico, donde el turista extranjero y raramente nacional visita cómodas instalaciones cuya arquitectura dialoga con el entorno natural, instalaciones en los senderos de Aysén donde se valoriza el avistamiento de fauna y flora endémica y se disfruta de la pesca con mosca, la gastronomía y costumbres patagónicas. Este valor otorgado a la Patagonia por los empresarios turísticos, pudiese hoy, ser marcado por un tercer hito que manifiesta las nuevas intenciones del aparato Estatal, de cierta esfera política y económica, que vuelve a ver en esta región un potencial de desarrollo económico para la satisfacción de las necesidades del capital.
Criminalizando el consumo energético doméstico se sostiene la crisis energética, pregonando el desarrollo económico del país se justifican la destrucción de la Patagonia, no basto devastar la cultura Aoniekenk ahora se va por la inundación de todo vestigio de un modo de producción disímil al capitalista y de toda posibilidad de cuestionar el sistema hegemónico.
¿Y defendemos la Patagonia?
Este hito y más que hito coyuntura social, económica y ambiental a generado todo un movimiento que se plantea en contra del proyecto HidroAysén, poniendo a la palestra temas como la política energética sustentable; el uso de Energías Renovables no Convencionales. La necesidad de plantearse el Desarrollo Sustentable o Sostenible, de definir políticas de desarrollo ambientales. La pregunta ahora es, qué defienden estas ONG o fundaciones como Chile Sustentable, Fundación Terram y Patagonia Sin Represas, ¿esta situación no es más que una pugna entre una misma clase: capitalista v/s capitalismo verde?
Tal inquietud nos hace cuestionar qué se defiende tras Patagonia Sin Represas, el cambio de valor de cambio de la Patagonia; de un valor paisajístico (turístico) a un valor por su potencial hidroeléctrico. ¿Se cuestiona en efecto la causa estructural de la demanda energética en el nombre del progreso? Pareciese sin embargo, que se defiende los intereses de una burguesía hippie, al igual que en Punta de Choros, que no quiere que destruyan su lugar de veraneo ni lo pintoresco de una población diezmada mil veces por el capital.
Ahora bien, y sin ser tan obtusos existe algo que se puede rescatar de esta protesta social (intencionada por y desde el capitalismo verde). Es la esencia de todo descontento social, la insatisfacción por incomodidad o desagrado de toda condición de explotación, ya sea del hombre por el hombre o “del hombre hacia la naturaleza”. Insatisfacción que hoy se manifiesta como descontento de un consumidor orgánico, verde o ambientalista, pero que es necesario de problematizar desde otro escenario, cuestionando a partir de este momento la causa estructural de tal descontento. Cabe entonces la necesidad de problematizar desde la actual coyuntura ambiental la producción capitalista del espacio y de nuestras relaciones sociales de auto explotación. De nosotros depende impedir que se inunde y cubra con agua y lodo la historia de explotación por parte del capital, de nosotros depende impedir que se borre la memoria de nuestra condición de explotados. De nosotros y de la memoria cabe destacar la cultura Aoniekenk de revalorizar esos saberes olvidados y de extender los límites de las utopías de hoy
Patagonia debe ser una instancia más para cuestionar las relaciones socio-espaciales construidas hasta hoy, desde la problematización del discurso ambientalista hasta el empoderamiento territorial (local) efectivo de las condiciones de producción y reproducción social y espacial
Hernán Araneda Oyanedel
Estudiante eterno de Geografía
Centro de Estudios Críticos Urbanos
Hill takes the plan
There have been many holidays that I have in my life, maybe fourth medium was one of the best, maybe it was the trip to Loa Lagos region. However, the holiday where I occupied my time were better last fall holiday. We went with my sister and her boyfriend to Valparaiso and we joined a friend and her friends in social protest march on 21 May.
The trip began on Friday when he arrived at the port shared some meats and wines. The next morning we partake of the beautiful place, because the hill took the plan. After the march and after eating we walked the hills Bellavista and Design, visit the Open Air Museum
After nightfall we went to our favorite beach: El Tabo and ended up fighting a comfortable weekend. (The best thing was to return to cas car without worrying about taking the crammed public transportation)
There have been many holidays that I have in my life, maybe fourth medium was one of the best, maybe it was the trip to Loa Lagos region. However, the holiday where I occupied my time were better last fall holiday. We went with my sister and her boyfriend to Valparaiso and we joined a friend and her friends in social protest march on 21 May.
The trip began on Friday when he arrived at the port shared some meats and wines. The next morning we partake of the beautiful place, because the hill took the plan. After the march and after eating we walked the hills Bellavista and Design, visit the Open Air Museum
After nightfall we went to our favorite beach: El Tabo and ended up fighting a comfortable weekend. (The best thing was to return to cas car without worrying about taking the crammed public transportation)
no more domination
American Stereotypes? American Indian culture, whether Andina, Mexico, Amazon, Mapuche, Patagonia. In recent history has been a thousand times decimated, losing cultural patterns of identity and worldview. Based on these processes of acculturation and cultural assimilation by modern states and markets, I believe that American stereotypes come from a history of cultural domination based capitalist consumer lifestyles promotes artificialised and controlled.
If we were to talk about American stereotypes rather refer to them as cultural impositions tend to differentiate the indigenous cultural tradition of modernity and their new values, individuality, competition, segregation.
Chilean stereotypes? To say about the Chilean is friendly to strangers, which is "turncoat"is that some modest (in contrast with other Latin Americans) are just tricks of the imposition of modernism and European influences in the process of conquest and domination.
Thus I prefer to discuss the lost culture in the modern process of domination in the hands of the market rather than cultural patterns acquired in this process
If we were to talk about American stereotypes rather refer to them as cultural impositions tend to differentiate the indigenous cultural tradition of modernity and their new values, individuality, competition, segregation.
Chilean stereotypes? To say about the Chilean is friendly to strangers, which is "turncoat"is that some modest (in contrast with other Latin Americans) are just tricks of the imposition of modernism and European influences in the process of conquest and domination.
Thus I prefer to discuss the lost culture in the modern process of domination in the hands of the market rather than cultural patterns acquired in this process
The Tabo
From childhood our family holidays were in the same place in the Bay of Quintero, the cross on the hill. We had fun on the beach The Cañitas and La Puntilla San Fuentes. It was crazy but routine vacation, from beach to night games in the days when the wind dominated our imagination amused.
However, my favorite beach is the beach and the Tabo, Tabo in general, and it is a quiet place away from the noise and bustle of city people. It is the perfect place for me to relax and think. It's fabulous long beach with white sand and rock full of life.
The best thing about this beach, which makes it my favorite is the period in which I lived, a stage of "maturity." And the best part was the fact my family to participate collectively in the construction of the house, from hammering and cutting wood to think and design the vacation home
However, my favorite beach is the beach and the Tabo, Tabo in general, and it is a quiet place away from the noise and bustle of city people. It is the perfect place for me to relax and think. It's fabulous long beach with white sand and rock full of life.
The best thing about this beach, which makes it my favorite is the period in which I lived, a stage of "maturity." And the best part was the fact my family to participate collectively in the construction of the house, from hammering and cutting wood to think and design the vacation home
The first album I bought
The first album I bought
The music is very important in my everyday life. From childhood I was interested in playing guitar and bass, because so much music around me. Although small he could not buy the disks, getting to my older cousins and my older sister, so I was influenced by his tastes.
However, the first album I bought was something authentic: The Tits of the band Los Tetas. This I bought at a thrift store used record, according to da hand. Best of the purchase were to discover that I had great records record store after I bought, because she was studying in my swagger left there by the Jamaican and Latin music, because before a lot of music heard in English.
My foray into playing guitar dropped, now studies interested me more, but this music helps me relax and general climate conducive to begin to study and weigh.
The music is very important in my everyday life. From childhood I was interested in playing guitar and bass, because so much music around me. Although small he could not buy the disks, getting to my older cousins and my older sister, so I was influenced by his tastes.
However, the first album I bought was something authentic: The Tits of the band Los Tetas. This I bought at a thrift store used record, according to da hand. Best of the purchase were to discover that I had great records record store after I bought, because she was studying in my swagger left there by the Jamaican and Latin music, because before a lot of music heard in English.
My foray into playing guitar dropped, now studies interested me more, but this music helps me relax and general climate conducive to begin to study and weigh.
martes, 19 de abril de 2011
Hello everybody ! come newly arriving from a field trip in San Antonio with many of you.. :)
In this opportunities (wf/opportunity) I (wt/ i will talk) talk about a field trip very interesting (p/,) because (sm/ it) was the first time I wen (wf/ went) to to (nn) this place, Parral is a city of Central Chile, located in the region of Maule.
The issue that led us to further was "Cultural Identity" in the Subject Geography Cultural.
I go (wt/ went) to this filed (wf/ field) trip the last year in June with the generation 2009
In that field trip meet (wt/met) the people and their isual (sp/ unusual), and how live your territory.
Was very special because we meet(wt/met) people very special and interesting which had their experience in the earthquake, their house(wf/houses) fell completly and now (sm/they) live in emergency house(wf/houses) called "Media Aguas", this people lives in a neighborhood (wf/neighbourhood) really beautiful,their houses were of colinal type, but no supported the earthquakes because of its age(we/old age)
I was very interested in this field(sm/ field trip)(p/,) because I learned that you can love people for their habits, and environment and how it serves to preserve the cultural identity of typical cities in our country.
In this opportunities (wf/opportunity) I (wt/ i will talk) talk about a field trip very interesting (p/,) because (sm/ it) was the first time I wen (wf/ went) to to (nn) this place, Parral is a city of Central Chile, located in the region of Maule.
The issue that led us to further was "Cultural Identity" in the Subject Geography Cultural.
I go (wt/ went) to this filed (wf/ field) trip the last year in June with the generation 2009
In that field trip meet (wt/met) the people and their isual (sp/ unusual), and how live your territory.
Was very special because we meet(wt/met) people very special and interesting which had their experience in the earthquake, their house(wf/houses) fell completly and now (sm/they) live in emergency house(wf/houses) called "Media Aguas", this people lives in a neighborhood (wf/neighbourhood) really beautiful,their houses were of colinal type, but no supported the earthquakes because of its age(we/old age)
I was very interested in this field(sm/ field trip)(p/,) because I learned that you can love people for their habits, and environment and how it serves to preserve the cultural identity of typical cities in our country.
traveling for coast range of temuco
my best trip was the trip from the coast tirua to coast mehuin. thi trip was amanzing i did a finger. i take one month complete the journey, between woodland the wihues, notros, temu and ugly pino and eucaliptus.
I did the trip in two stages from the first only, to Curanilahue to port dominguez and the second with a friend from port dominguez to tirua (and more of the trip was to share my time with the fate and the will of the driver, placing us at the road.
see also social conflicts, the case of ducto mehuin of celulosa arauco. this is a best part undertand the problems to the real people. and the reality that affects.
root native road!!!
I did the trip in two stages from the first only, to Curanilahue to port dominguez and the second with a friend from port dominguez to tirua (and more of the trip was to share my time with the fate and the will of the driver, placing us at the road.
see also social conflicts, the case of ducto mehuin of celulosa arauco. this is a best part undertand the problems to the real people. and the reality that affects.
root native road!!!
martes, 5 de abril de 2011
i prefer face to face
I fought the law and law won or i fought the social network and i won
Today The social network be every time more massive be also necessary for the daily comunication. In spite of the comunication law i be development the repulse to social network with facebook, msn and other social network, because i awarded that this are media of the social control .
But the word is not that bad. In effect i use the web tools gmail, becuase is a necessary tools that allows relace with my frends that studied in other university of other place.i beging to uses gmail in the year that finished high school.i use more search web tools for reading book, lisent to music and work for the university
Today The social network be every time more massive be also necessary for the daily comunication. In spite of the comunication law i be development the repulse to social network with facebook, msn and other social network, because i awarded that this are media of the social control .
But the word is not that bad. In effect i use the web tools gmail, becuase is a necessary tools that allows relace with my frends that studied in other university of other place.i beging to uses gmail in the year that finished high school.i use more search web tools for reading book, lisent to music and work for the university
blood and fire in mapocho station
The music in my daily life is essential. I listen to various genres, including my favorite bands: The Clash, The Skatalites and joy division (music from before). Santiago rebel, lice and tumbao baska (music provided) and by the time listening to wild and patrician chorizo coward.
Now all the bands by far the best I have heard is manu chao live. Tombola tour was in 2006. It was amazing. The best part was the delivery of the band, playing more than three hours. This really is a band committed to what he does and with constant values and unshakable. It's not like those bands that are sold at usurious producing the "entertainment industry" and this well know people who were listening to manu in Municipal StadiumLa Pintana the day before the concert paid
Now all the bands by far the best I have heard is manu chao live. Tombola tour was in 2006. It was amazing. The best part was the delivery of the band, playing more than three hours. This really is a band committed to what he does and with constant values and unshakable. It's not like those bands that are sold at usurious producing the "entertainment industry" and this well know people who were listening to manu in Municipal Stadium
martes, 29 de marzo de 2011
my favourite movie
my favourite movie is "Pi" by director darren aronofsky. it is a history about the mathematical man be in problem with financial agents by USA.
i saw it six years ago when i was studying in high school. I got to the movie by its soundtrack, massive attack. what caught my attention was his argument: that of a mathematician enrolled with some Jewish scholars of the Torah and the Decoding of the sequence pi: the name of god
i saw it six years ago when i was studying in high school. I got to the movie by its soundtrack, massive attack. what caught my attention was his argument: that of a mathematician enrolled with some Jewish scholars of the Torah and the Decoding of the sequence pi: the name of god
is an safely film that tells the mathematical origin of the natural order and its relation to economic fluctuations, I recommend seeing
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