Hello everybody ! come newly arriving from a field trip in San Antonio with many of you.. :)
In this opportunities (wf/opportunity) I (wt/ i will talk) talk about a field trip very interesting (p/,) because (sm/ it) was the first time I wen (wf/ went) to to (nn) this place, Parral is a city of Central Chile, located in the region of Maule.
The issue that led us to further was "Cultural Identity" in the Subject Geography Cultural.
I go (wt/ went) to this filed (wf/ field) trip the last year in June with the generation 2009
In that field trip meet (wt/met) the people and their isual (sp/ unusual), and how live your territory.
Was very special because we meet(wt/met) people very special and interesting which had their experience in the earthquake, their house(wf/houses) fell completly and now (sm/they) live in emergency house(wf/houses) called "Media Aguas", this people lives in a neighborhood (wf/neighbourhood) really beautiful,their houses were of colinal type, but no supported the earthquakes because of its age(we/old age)
I was very interested in this field(sm/ field trip)(p/,) because I learned that you can love people for their habits, and environment and how it serves to preserve the cultural identity of typical cities in our country.
I came looking for a beach post!!!